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How to design the organization that will execute your strategy effectively, beyond the lines and boxes?

Organization Design

We have split our organization work in two parts. One is Operating Model Design or the 'harder side of the organization'. Here we help design structure (grouping of activities), governance (reporting lines and responsibilities) and critical working and managerial processes. Our philosophy is that an Operating Model is a means to a certain end. What is your business ambition, what are your most critical challenges to overcome? In that light what should your future organization be able to do? What does "fit for purpose' look like? Let's compare your organization with a radio (hope people still know what a radio is...). You don't just start to build a radio, what is it that your radio should do? Play music, find music, provide great sound quality and allow portability. How does that translate into how you design your radio? This organization design process is what we conduct together with our clients' Executive Teams. They identify their context, ambitions and strategy to then start thinking about the 'fit for purpose' question. They design their own Operating Model through our Operating Model Canvas

The second concept is Organization Health. To truly drive change successfully, you have to go beyond the 'lines and boxes' and incorporate elements such as strategic direction, critical capabilities and collective mindsets and behaviors. Like a doctor we start with Organization Health Diagnostics (online), this is like an MRI, but then for your organization. Giving you a picture of what works well and what doesn't. We then work with the Executive Team to identify key strengths to leverage and to identify which current issues will block you the most in moving forward. To then define and implement solutions to solve these issues.

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